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Thursday 15 September 2016

Riyadh Calls on UN Security Council to Stop Iranian Arms Deliveries to Houthis

Shiite Houthi tribesmen hold their weapons as they chant slogans during a tribal gathering showing support for the Houthi movement, in Sanaa, Yemen, Thursday, May 19, 2016
Saudi Arabia's UN ambassador Abdullah al-Mouallimi pointed out that the Iranian arms sales to Yemen's Houthis violate the UN Security Council’s resolution 2216 and pose a threat to the region, according to media reports.
DUBAI– Saudi Arabia sent a letter to the UN Security Council demanding it to put an end to Iranian arms deliveries to Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen, local media reported on Thursday.

In the letter, Saudi Arabia's UN ambassador Abdullah al-Mouallimi pointed out that the Iranian arms sales violate the UN Security Council’s resolution 2216 and pose a threat to Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the whole region. The diplomat said that the kingdom became a target for attacks committed by the Houthi rebels and supporters of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Al Riyadh newspaper reported. Iran-manufactured weapons were used in shelling of the Saudi territory that resulted in casualties among local population and damage to hospitals and schools, al-Mouallimi added.

The diplomat reminded that the Saudi-led anti-Houthi coalition targeted trucks with smuggled Iranian weapons several times.

Saudi Arabia warned that it would take all necessary measures to counter the threat posed to the country by the Houthi rebels and their allies. Yemen has been engulfed in a military conflict between the government headed by Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Houthi rebels, the country’s main opposition force. Since March 2015, the Saudi-led coalition of mostly Persian Gulf countries has been carrying out airstrikes against the Houthis at Hadi's request despite a ceasefire agreed shortly before.