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Wednesday 14 September 2016

Russian Jets Eliminate 250 Daesh Terrorists Preparing Attack on Palmyra

Su-34 bomber jet
Russian Aerospace Forces targeted a group of terrorists preparing an offensive on the Syrian city of Palmyra. The airstrikes destroyed 250 militants and 15 vehicles.

"The fight against Daesh goes on. Yesterday, the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted airstrikes to the north of Palmyra where a group of Daesh terrorists was preparing an offensive on the city," Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir, first deputy chief of the General Staff's Main Operational Department, said at a news briefing in the Defense Ministry.
According to Poznikhir, some 250 terrorists were killed and about 15 vehicles armed with large-caliber machine guns were destroyed in the airstrikes.

Russia has been conducting a counterterrorist campaign in Syria since September 30, 2015, at President Bashar Assad's request. On March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Defense Ministry to withdraw the bulk of the Russian military contingent from Syria.