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Tuesday 13 September 2016

Syrian Army Downs Israeli Warplane and Drone After Attack on Quneitra Province

A soldier of the Syrian Arab Army at an observation post at the frontline in the al-Kom village of the Quneitra province in Syria
According to the Syrian army officials, Syrian army downs warplane and drone after attack on Syrian army`s posts in Quneitra province.

The Syrian armed forces shot down an Israeli warplane and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) following an attack on their positions in the neighboring Quneitra province, Syrian media reported Tuesday.

The attack, which Syria’s SANA news service attributed to the general command of the Syrian Armed Forces, took place at 1 a.m. local time (22:00 GMT).

The Israeli armed forces however denied reports of aircraft losses in Syria. The Israel Air Force (IAF) attacked Syrian artillery positions in the Golan Heights in the early hours of Tuesday after the latest episode cross-border shelling that began over the weekend, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said. Israel occupied a part of the Golan Heights during the 1967 war and has been administering it alongside other territories in the West Bank for almost half a century.