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Sunday 11 September 2016

Clinton campaign worries over tight race, while Bernie backers say ‘Get your sh*t together’

Hillary Clinton has failed to open up a lead on Donald Trump similar to the one Bernie Sanders had before the convention. © Mary Schwalm
The isolated, some say “tone deaf,” world inside the Hillary Clinton campaign is now worried by its inability to open up a wide lead on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in the polls.
Her team thought taking on a billionaire businessman/reality TV star with zero political experience and a penchant for making controversial statements should have been a slam dunk, but the Democratic nominee is now up just 2.1 percent, based on the latest RealClearPolitics average.
A Washington Post piece published late on Friday night titled, “Democrats wonder and worry: Why isn’t Clinton far ahead of Trump?” says it’s the hottest question in 'Hillaryland' as election day creeps closer.
The Beltway paper, now owned by Amazon founder and Trump critic Jeff Bezos, blamed her inability to relate to voters the way her main opponent does as one of the issues.
It doesn’t help that her unpopularity rating is now on par with Trump’s, making them the “two most unpopular presidential candidates in polling dating back more than 30 years,” as reported by ABC News.
Her attacks on the alt-right candidate and her campaign’s anti-Russian rhetoric don’t appear to be working, prompting Democratic party elders to express doubts.

WATCH: Clinton ends news conference, before returning to answer @kwelkernbc's question about Trump and Pres. Putin.

Hilliary Clinton and her supporters are aligning themselves with Ronald freaking Reagan and antagonizing the hell out of Russia.
“Generally, I’m concerned, frankly,” former Democratic Senate leader Tom Daschle told the Post. “It still looks positive, and I think if you look at the swing states and where she is right now, she’s got a lead. But it’s certainly not in the bag. We have two months to go, and I think it’s going to be a competitive race all the way through. I would say she’s got at least a 60 percent chance of winning.”
Insiders believe Clinton needs to counter Trump’s “man of the people” popularity with some genuine opening up that doesn’t feel 'hot sauce in my purse' false.